Company History


                                   Mr. Atsuto Sawakami (沢上篤人)

Sawakami Asset Management Inc. Japan was established in 1996 by Mr. Atsuto Sawakami (沢上篤人) who strongly believed that


The ones who indeed need financial services are not the wealthy people but normal people who diligently work for financial needs. 


With strong determination which aims to manage the customer’s wealth by offering the financial product and intend to create the long-term investment tradition as the shareholders or company owners, Mr. Atsuto decided to leave his job and established Sawakami Asset Management Inc. Japan.



Sawakami Asset Management Inc. has grown and gained the trust of over 100,000 clients in Japan, with Assets Under Management (AUM) continuously growing to worth more than 100 billion baht (as 1 June 2022)

Our Confident


The real investment is investing as business owners.

To support companies creating the products and service as the shareholders. The good performance of the companies will be the return to fund unitholders.



Fund Unitholders are our companion.

  • To build relationship with fund unitholders through the seminars and meeting.
  • ใTo provide the information with completeness and accuracy to customer considering regarding the investment.
  • To concern regarding the fund unitholders’ equality and interest. Not to encourage the investors to invest with inappropriate frequency.



Companies shall have social responsibilities.

To invest principally in the companies that create valuable goods and services for society. With the investment and support, the companies will have growth capability, strong financial position, be able to continuously operate business, have capability to improve social sustainability





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